I'm writing a story where one of the characters comes in contact with a hallucinogen that plagues the person with their greatest fear. Could this hallucinogens be fatal? Would there be long term affects? How long does a normal hallucinogen last? What are the affects on the human body? Heart rate, breathing and so forth.
Jordyn Says:
What are the common hallucinogens? These would be LSD, Hallucinogenic mushrooms, Psilocybin (active ingredient in mushrooms-- I believe this can be synthesized), DMT, Ayahausca (which is an hallucinogenic jungle vine.)
Here are some links you might find interesting:
Psychology Today: Hallucinogens: http://www.psychologytoday.
Psilocybin and Brain Function: http://www.psychologytoday.
Magic Mushroom altering personality: http://www.livescience.com/
DMT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Ayahuasca: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
The effects of hallucinogens generally last 6-12 hours. They are generally not fatal. What can be fatal is if a person does something under the effects of a hallucinogen-- like jump off of a building.
Symptoms of hallucinogens: http://www.testsymptomsathome.
Long term effects of abusing hallucinogens: Permanent floaters (in eye vision), psychosis, and mental health issues.
Two lists of short and long term symptoms:
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