My MC's ex-boyfriend to come back with not-so-good-but-not-outright-
Basically, he shows up in the throws of a nervous breakdown/panic attack that looks a lot like a heart attack. And that's my question: Can a panic attack have similar/same symptoms of a heart attack? I want him to be hospitalized at least over night, so it needs to be bad enough to have to be monitored for 24+ hours, but not bad enough to kill him or leave him there long-term.
Jordyn Says:
As far as the scene, it can work medically. I think instead of a panic attack-- you should go with an arrhythmia called SVT (supraventricular tachycardia.) I've included some links for you. At its simplest, SVT is a super fast heart beat. For an adult-- it would be a sustained, unwavering heartbeat over 180 beats/min.
The reason to change it to this type of medical condition is if the medical team determines he had a panic attack-- he will not be observed overnight. However, if he had an arrhythmia for which he was hemodynamically unstable (low blood pressure)-- then observing overnight is warranted-- particularly if they converted him out and he went back into it.
When you have SVT-- it can feel like you're having a heart attack. Many of the symptoms can be the same. Chest pain. Pain down the left arm. Jaw pain. Difficulty breathing. Low blood pressure. Sweating (diaphoresis). Pale, cool, clammy skin.
I don't know if this is the direction you want to go but would be my suggestion.
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